Ashley Esposito
Ashley Esposito is a school board Commissioner for Baltimore City Public Schools. She is a mom, artist, youth mentor, and passionate community advocate. She has a Bachelor of Science in Software Development and Security from the University of Maryland Global Campus. She has worked as an IT professional and in communications. Ashley spent most of her professional career working for government agencies that provide wrap-around services.
As a recipient of services and a former foster care youth, she deeply understands the challenges of trauma and the needs of families. It is absolutely necessary for improving student outcomes. More than just teaching reading, writing, and math is required. The education system is responsible for educating our youth and understanding the intersection of issues our students face. She believes that hunger, housing instability, gun violence, economic opportunity, and other challenges can be improved if the education system actively participates in that advocacy. These are all barriers to their participation in the classroom.
With her service on the board and in the fellowship, she hopes to normalize lived experience as an area of expertise. Her core value is the belief that the best ideas and solutions come from the people most impacted by policy decisions. Ashley hopes to learn and collaborate to address challenging inequities in our school system and in our communities.