Stacey Wyatt
An artist, veteran educator, leader and agent of change, Stacey has firmly rooted her leadership work in authenticity, capacity building, affirmation of the Indigenous Knowledge we all bring to the table and last but not least: LOVE. Stacey chose to step away from school leadership in the traditional sense and center her work on her passion: Building Capacity, Fueling Agency to Create Conditions for Access, Success and Transformation.
Currently Stacey works as a Leadership Coach/Facilitator/Supervisor for the San Francisco Unified School District’s Transformative Leadership for Equity and Excellence Program (TLEE). Within this program, she works to attract, develop, and retain high quality school leaders through robust work embedded support. Through 1:1 leadership coaching, co-designing and leading bimonthly 8 hour Professional Development for program cohorts.
Stacey is also a Leadership Consultant. She works with organizations and leaders in various parts of the country focusing on defining/refining their systems in order to help close the gap between their goals and their intentions.This work is rooted in shifting mindsets and paradigms as she helps leaders identify and understand the tools necessary to expand their own capacity and what necessitates sustainable, transformative work.
11 years as a Special Educator, she worked to change the tone and context of engagement within her classroom and beyond. Empowering students, parents, and educators to see beyond the status quo. Eventually, she moved into school leadership, serving as a site administrator for 9 years. Quickly becoming recognizable as an authentic leader who openly and unapologetically used love in the way she moved. Stacey’s definition of LOVE:
A consistent, caring, fearless demand for high expectations and high levels of support; backed by foundation of research based frameworks and strategies to bring about systemic change and equity.
By keeping the work centered on students, she was able to transform a school, using a variety of methods and partnerships, from the lowest performing middle school in the Oakland Unified School District to a school that had experienced such an academic and cultural turnaround they were asked to present at two consecutive U.S. Department of Education, Arts in Education Conferences as well as healthy sprouting of articles, organizations, and research based on what was observed at her school.
An artist, Stacey incorporates her Griot nature as a storyteller, dancer and actor into her work. “Art as access and agency”. Simply making growth and learning relevant and fun.